Tournament Rules
1. This tournament is run under the sanction of the OWHA; OWHA and Hockey Canada rules shall apply.
2. The OWHA minimum suspension guidelines will be strictly enforced. All suspensions will be enforced according to OWHA Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations & Rules.
3. The team Manager or Coach must check in with the Tournament Coordinator 60 minutes prior to the start of the team's first game.- Official team roster needs to be provided by the team in order to participate in this tournament.- Only players whose names appearing on the roster given when registering with entry fee will be eligible to play unless prior notification is given to and accepted by the tournament coordinator, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the start of the tournament.
4. Each team can carry up to 18 players including 2 goalies. All players and team staff must sign the game sheet prior to the start of each game.
5. Teams will be awarded two points for a win, one point for a tie and no points for a loss.
6. Teams can only get credit up to a maximum of 5 goal differential for the purposes of tiebreakers. All the goals scored by the losing team will determine the score being used for the standings. For example for a 8-1 actual game result a score of 6-1 will be recorded for the standings for both teams.
7. Standings after the round robin will be calculated on the basis of the points awarded as per Rule #5. In the event of a tie, the following criteria will be used to break the tie:
a) Winner between the tied teams. (Applies to 2 way ties only, 3 or more teams tied start with tie breaker b)
b) Number of wins
c) Percentage as calculated by dividing team's total "Goals For" by the SUM of the team's "Goals For and Goals Against". (GF / (GF+GA)). If GF + GA = 0, the % shall be set at 0.5
d) Fewest Goals Against
e) Most Goals For
f) Fewest Penalty Minutes
g) Coin Toss.
*** Tie breaking rules will be followed in order. Once a Tie Breaking Rule has been used or is not applicable, it cannot be used again. Where more than 2 teams are tied the rules will be applied from b to g until the order of finish is determined.***
8. Each team must be dressed and ready to start the game 20 minutes before the scheduled start time.
9. All OWHA rules apply and will be enforced.
10. If at any time during the last 10 minutes of play in the third period there is a goal differential of 5 or more, the clock will continue running time. If the differential becomes less than 5 the game will return to stop time.
11. Each team is to have a certified trainer on the bench for every game. Please inform the other team and the tournament coordinator if you do not have a trainer.
12. When team colours are conflicting, the home team will be expected to change sweaters.
13. All referee decisions are final.
14. All referees, timekeepers and scorekeepers are assigned by GGHA.
15. GGHA and the tournament committee does not accept responsibility for theft, damage, accidents or injures to participants, spectators, equipment and personal belongings.
16. Initial games will consist of a 2 minute warm up and 10/ 10/ 10 minute stop time periods. No time outs shall be allowed in any tournament games.
17. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation in a Championship game, a shootout shall occur.
- Each team must designate 3 shooters (S1, S2 and S3) directly on the game sheet prior to the start of the game;
- All players except shooter and goalies will be on the bench. Once a player has shot, they will go to the penalty box;
- Shooters from both teams will shoot simultaneously, starting at centre ice;
- All 3 designated shooters from each team will shoot first in order S1, S2, S3;
- If still tied, each team will designate one shooter at a time until there is a winner. A player may not shoot for a second time until all eligible players on the game sheet (except goalies) have shot; and
- Any player serving a penalty at the end of regulation will not be eligible to participate in the shootout. If they are one of the 3 identified shooters, their position shall be skipped and the coach shall identify another player to shoot in the S3 slot.
18. On the day of the tournament the committee or coordinator reserve the right to make any decisions on the interpretation of the tournament rules, objections, protests etc. All decisions by the organizers will be final.
19. If for any reason, the goaltender cannot continue to play, and no second goalie is available to replace; they must be replaced immediately by a substitute player. No time will be allowed for the goal tender to replace their equipment or to dress a substitute goal tender.
20. Players must play at least one round robin game to be eligible for the semi-final or final game.
21. Any 5 minute major penalty for fighting, any match penalty, or any gross misconduct penalty will disqualify the player/team official from any further participation in the tournament.
22. Zero tolerance is in effect for all coaches, players and spectators and will be strictly enforced by referees and/ or the tournament committee/coordinator. This is a no alcohol/marijuana event and is strictly enforced.